Making a 2021 Vision Board

So, I’m sure if you’ve scrolled through Instagram, Tiktok or Pinterest then you are very aware of the new movement of vision boards. I am 100% on the bandwagon for vision boards and absolutely love the thought behind them.

Something I have been more conscious about over the last couple months is listening to podcasts that really inspire self-love and manifesting and mind-set. I personally love Georgie Stevenson’s podcast the ‘Rise and Conquer Podcast’. Her mind-set that helped her change from working in a tax firm to becoming a co-owner of Naked Harvest, Instagram Influencer and entrepreneur, is such a great way to live by.

This is my wallpaper for my computer to see daily.

What to Include

Firstly, the main thing about your vision board is that it should stir up emotion in you. These images and quotes should make you feel something, make you work towards each of those things, and imagine your life now if you had achieved those goals. Yes, you want your vision board to look aesthetic and pretty if you’re printing it out for your room, having it as your phone wallpaper, computer desktop or in your study. So, with this in mind here are some main things to include in your vision board;

  • Health, Fitness and Nutrition Goals
  • Quotes That Inspire You
  • Career or Business Goals
  • Personal Goals
  • Lifestyle Aspects that you want to Embrace
  • Material Things You Hope to Achieve This Year







So, now its up to you to figure out what you want to manifest for the year of 2021 and gather together images and quotes that inspire you to work towards your goals and imagine your life when you have achieved these things.

You want to look at this vision board once every day, and then take inspired action to work towards what you want. Manifesting isn’t just about wishing and dreaming. It’s about taking action that will get you to the place you want to be. It’s about working towards being the individual you want to be.

I have only just come to know these new terms and ideas and I know there is a lot more things to learn so I’d encourage you to do your own research on the vision boards, manifesting and goal setting that is out there to find all the tips and tricks you need.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post! All photos found on pinterest.

Check out my last post about getting back into the gym and taking control of my fitness and health again!

the goals fitness and gym, health goals

Getting Back Into The Gym; The Fears, The Goals and more!

So, where do I start? GYM Definition; ‘A club, building, or large room, usually containing special equipment, where people go to do physical exercise and get fit.’ I can definitely say that my fitness routine has taken a back burner for the last year and I have not been feeling my best over that. READ MORE…

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